Saturday 16 October 2021

most delicious spicey mutton soup recipe in the World


 mutton soup

Despite its wide popularity in Maritime Southeast Asia, the question of origin however, might be owed to the Arabs and Muslim Indian migrations into the region. Sup kambing is believed to be of Arab origin, brought by the influx of Arabs migrants into the Malay Archipelago between the 18th to 19th century, during colonial era. The Arabs settlers introduced and promoted goat, lamb and mutton as their preferred meat, thus several dishes influenced by Arab and Muslim Indian culinary traditions were introduced to Sumatra, Malay peninsula and Java. Around the same period, other mutton or goat-based dishes such as sate kambing, gulai kambing and tongseng also appeared in
The early Arab immigrants settled in coastal towns of Sumatra and Java, and subsequently influenced the culture of native ethnic groups including Malays, the Betawis of Batavia (Jakarta), also Javanese and Madurese of East Java. The sup kambing was adopted by locals, and often linked to the Islamic festival of kurban (Eid al-Adha), where large numbers of cattle – including goats, are slaughtered and distributed among people. As the result, despite its Arab origin, today in Indonesia sup kambing is more associated with Malay, Madurese, and Betawi cuisine. Indonesian sup kambing uses carrot, tomato, and sometimes potato, which hints its European (possibly Portuguese or Dutch) influences. Tomato and potato are not available in Southeast Asia until European colonials brought them from the Americas around the 17th century. The sup kambing from Medan in North Sumatra however, is closer to the Malaysian version, since they commonly derived from Muslim Indian culture.

mutton soup benefits

Mutton soup is considered an amazing remedy to cure fever, cough and hands and limb pain as well. It is an extremely refreshing and nutritious dish to be had during the monsoon season. Mutton soup, flavoured with spices, is included in the post delivery diet for women to regain their strength. It's time consuming to make but the slow cooking causes the various vital minerals, amino acids and collagen to get extracted from the bones, thus making it great for boosting immunity.

It contains many important vitamins and minerals

It may benefit the digestive system   

It may help fight inflammation

Its nutrients have been shown to improve joint health    

It is weight-loss friendly    

It may improve sleep and brain function.


Meat 2kg
Salt as per taste
Crushed cumin seeds
Black pepper
fresh tomatoes
Green chillies


wash the meat, Add all the ingredients in presure cooker cook till meat is tender. Your soup is ready. Enjoy

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